Sunday, February 17, 2013

"Hard" Times

So I wouldn't say this is relevant to anything we are learning in class, but I found this very interesting...

The 13th was "la giornata della collera" or "the day of anger" for Italian workers. All of those yellow objects are hard hats laid out in front of the Milan Stock Exchange. All different types of workers came together to lay down their helmets to show their irritation of their countries economy failing and lack of government attention to the job market decline.I am a very political person so this spoke to me as it is a cry for attention from hard working people for change. And as an art I see this as an installation piece as well as the statue it is surrounding is an actual piece created by Maurizio Cattelan called "L.O.V.E." All of this is very inspirational to me, to see art playing a roll in changing our word. And how people can stop thinking of themselves as just individuals and come together to make a difference.

You can find the article here

1 comment:

  1. Excellent picture.. well art and social commentary are certainly relevant to any art/design class.
